Community & Ministries Associate Pastor
Other Details
Seven Mile Road Church exists to see people believe the gospel, in community, and on mission. Fifteen years ago, we were planted with a vision to bring the hope and good news of Jesus to our peers and neighbors in Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs. Today, we have seen God bring that vision to reality as we have seen people come to know Jesus and grow in their faith among our diverse congregation. We are a 400+ person (includes members and non-members), growing, multiethnic, regional church located in Northeast Philadelphia. We are committed to seeing the gospel advance locally, regionally, nationally, and globally through church planting and various ministry and missionary efforts.
The name of our church encapsulates our mission and vision. The story of Jesus and His disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35) is the story we pray is lived out through our people and in our city. Together, we are on a journey where, through the power of the risen Savior, our lives are transformed and shaped by the truth of the gospel. Our desire is to continually encounter the living Christ (gospel), grow in belief by walking alongside others (community), and be moved to share this good news with the world (mission). Those three words define everything that we are and everything that we hope to be.
The Community and Ministry Pastor helps to fulfill the mission of SMR by providing oversight to community groups and leaders, providing oversight to local missional efforts lead by SMR members and partners, overseeing corporate prayer efforts, providing support to elder and deacon tracks, developing and executing growth tracks and overseeing the new member processes in collaboration with SMR Elders.
The following describes many of the characteristics of the ideal candidate:
Education & Experience:
- Seminary degree preferred.
- 3+ years of pastoral ministry experience preferred.
- 3+ years of small/community group leadership experience required.
- Experience serving in a multi-ethnic congregation.

Personal Characteristics & Qualifications:
- A man whose character and competencies meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
- A man of prayer and a man of the Word. He will devote himself to daily prayer and Bible reading for the sake of guarding himself from sin and stirring up his heart and mind to renewed passion for Christ; he will lead his family in regular times in the Word and prayer; and he will gladly participate in mutual care and accountability with other believers and the other pastors.
- A man who will seek to undertake his duties in the power of the Holy Spirit, undergirded with prayer, guided by the Scriptures, and manifesting the character of Christ for the glory of God.
- Must be a covenant member within four months of hiring and in good standing with Seven Mile Road Church.
- Must embrace Seven Mile Road Church’s Statement of Faith and theological distinctives.
- Must strive to maintain positive and fruitful relationships with other SMR staff, members, and leaders. While concerns or differences of opinion may arise, the candidate will communicate in a biblical manner and abide by appropriate supervisory direction and any final determinations of the Council of Elders. Whether leading the congregation or submitting to those in authority over him, the candidate will do so in a joyful manner.
- Must strictly maintain appropriate confidentiality when dealing with SMR-specific matters and pastoral care issues.
- Must be able to lead in a variety of contexts (individual, small groups, large groups) in such a way that Jesus Christ and his gospel are central. He should be a self-starter and take initiative. He should be wise and discerning and know when to be decisive, sensitive, tender, and firm.
- Must have a heart to care for people and demonstrate that in his life.
- Must strive to do the work of evangelism both within the church and outside of the church.
- Must have the competency and ability to effectively envision, develop, implement and maintain the various ministries connected to his role.
- Must be a fruitful, biblical teacher (individual, group, or pulpit).
- Must be able to communicate clearly, concisely, and in a loving and biblical manner.
- Has completed and maintains up-to-date safety clearances.
- Has reviewed and signed Seven Mile Road’s Child Protection Policies.
- Has Has completed mandated reporter training.
Note: This role will start as a Director position, which is intended to transition to a pastoral role within 6-12 months after successful completion of an “Elder Track”, the unanimous recommendation of the Elder team and affirmation by the congregation.