

Date Posted: February 4, 2025
Hours Per Week: 40
Park Woods Presbyterian Church
Overland Park, KS, USA
Job Type: Adult Pastor,Solo Pastor
Other Details

Park Woods Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Overland Park Kansas is searching for our Lord’s next under-shepherd following the retirement of our beloved long time pastor. Our new pastor must have strong commitments to the Redemptive Historical Method of interpreting Scripture and preaching sermons that uncover the unfolding plan of God in Christ from every book of Scripture. The Ministry of the Word on the Lord’s Day has been the highest priority of our church. All other corporate activities must serve this singular priority.

What we believe

We believe what the universal Christian church has always believed: “In one God, the Father Almighty ….” We hold to the Christian faith as it is summarized in the Nicene Creed.

We also identify with the historic Protestant church in its Reformed tradition. So we hold to the Reformed faith as it is summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.

Finally, we approach the Scriptures as a great story–the story of God’s Kingdom. It is the story of how God the Creator has reconciled his rebellious creatures to Himself in and through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We live under his reign as we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come.

How To Apply

Please submit your resume, MDF or equivalent, and links to sermons to [email protected] with the subject “Pastor Application.”