
Associate Pastor

Date Posted: January 31, 2025
Hours Per Week: 40-60
Friedberg Moravian Church
Winston Salem, NC, USA
Job Type: Adult Pastor,Associate Pastor
Other Details


Associate Pastor



The Associate Pastor reports to the Board of Elders.  Ultimate accountability is to the Friedberg Congregation, and is administered by the Senior Pastor, the Board of Elders and the Joint Board.

Skills, Abilities, Certifications:

  1. The individual must possess a faith in Jesus Christ and profess Him as his / her Lord and Savior.

This person must strive to live a life consistent with the guidance provided by the Holy Bible, the

“Ground of the Unity”, the “Covenant for Christion Living”, the “Easter Sunrise Service Ode” as well as other prominent doctrinal statements of the Moravian Church.

  1. Possess a servant’s heart and be a willing participant in the life of the congregation as both a

Leader and team member.

  1. Be ordained or soon to be ordained.
  2. Possess administrative and organizational skills necessary for the coordination and the directing of various activities of multiple organizations.
  3. Possess good oral and written communication skills.
  4. Possess the ability to work with limited supervision and guidance from either the Board of Elders or the Senior Pastor.

Representative Duties and Responsibilities:

Preaching, Teaching, Leading Worship

  1. Lead the Worship Service as requested by the Senior Pastor.
  2. In coordination with the Senior Pastor, preside over Holy Communion, Infant and Adult Baptism and officiate at weddings.
  3. Conduct the funeral of any person to be buried or interred in the Friedberg Graveyard, as requested.
  4. In coordination with the Board of Christian Education, facilitate the development of Sunday School curriculum, Sunday School teachers, Christian Education programing and activities of all ages. Will serve as an ex-officio member of the CE Board, and participate in the teaching of Sunday School on as needed basis.
  5. Development or identification of studies / seminars for congregation and / or individual spiritual growth and development.

Pastoral Care and Counseling

  1. In conjunction with the Senior Pastor and Acolytes, conduct visits of congregational members, especially those infirmed in hospitals, their home, or other care facilities, as well as our seniors and widowed members.
  2. Coordinate and participate in the visitation of visitors to our services as well as new members.
  3. Provide spiritual counseling for congregational members / families as requested or needs indicate.

Congregational Life

  1. In consultation with the Senior Pastor and the Board of Elders, coordinate and facilitate the work of the various sub-committees of the Board of Elders, staff members and lay leaders with respect to programming and leadership development, small group ministries and youth ministries.
  2. Periodically review and study the organizational structure of the congregation and recommend any needed changes to the Joint Board, Board of Elders, Board of Trustees or other appropriate bodies.
  3. Assist in the betterment of spiritual relationships among the members of the congregation.


Other Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Be active at the Provincial level as requested or directed by the Provincial Elders Conference (PEC), the Board of Elders or the Senior Pastor.
  2. Attend the regular and called meetings of the Board of Elders and Joint Board, and attendance at meetings of the Board of Trustees when requested.
  3. Daily activities of this position will be supervised by the Senior Pastor.
  4. The Youth Ministry Director and the Children’s Ministry Director will report to the Associate Pastor.
  5. Any other appropriate duties or responsibilities as assigned by either the Board of Elders or the Senior Pastor.

How To Apply

Please send resume and references to John Dyer at [email protected].