Other Details
Lamberton Church of Christ (Lamberton, MN) Pastor
The Big Picture
Lamberton Church of Christ ( is seeking a part-time Pastor. The pastor is the spiritual leader of the church. Preaching and teaching the Word of God is the highest priority. Winning people to Jesus Christ is the first objective of the pastor. The pastor shall be responsible for leading the congregation to spiritual growth and to develop spiritual maturity in their lives.
The Church
The Lamberton Church of Christ is an independent Christ Centered, Bible believing fellowship located in beautiful downtown Lamberton, Minnesota. Our purpose is to know Him and make Him known. Clear systematic Bible preaching and teaching is our highest priority. We recognize that no other foundation will stand the test of time and eternity. Our fellowship has a small-town friendliness and feel. Come as you are but we hope you do not leave as you were. We strive to leave the imprint of Jesus upon all we meet. The Lamberton Church of Christ was born as a result of a series of tent revivals in the late teens and early 1920’s. The Lamberton Church of Christ shares a heritage with what is known as “The Restoration Movement.” Several phrases describe this mid-1800’s movement, such as “no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible” and “In essentials unity, non-essentials liberty, and all things charity.”
The Pastor’s Character:
The congregation recognizes two absolutes for the position of pastor. From the pastor’s character flows his life therefore we seek to see the following:
- A pastor who evidence’s a Godly character. This will be seen by integrity of character, a disciplined prayer life and healthy loving relationships with the pastor’s wife and children.
- A pastor who has a passion for the Word of God and a gift in preaching that Word. We expect the pastor to allocate sufficient time to prepare spiritually significant sermons delivered in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We seed a pastor who has the willingness to delegate and prioritize his responsibilities and who will equip the church for service.
- To study, prayerfully prepare, and present the gospel message to the congregation as found in the Word of God.
- Plan and conduct the worship service in cooperating with the Worship Committee.
- To perform the ordinance of Baptism.
- To perform other pastoral responsibilities such as calling on prospective new members, counseling of members, visitation of the ill, visitation of bereaved, etc.
- All other scriptural pastoral duties such as performing wedding ceremonies, conducting funeral services, etc.
- To hold regular meetings for the purpose of coordinating the spiritual, social, music ministry, youth ministry, administration and business needs of the church life.
- To work closely with all committees of the church for planning, coordinating, and evaluating the total church program.
- Work with church officers as they perform their assigned responsibilities.
- Represent the church in civic matters when called upon.
- Report to the church board at each regular meetings, as per pastoral activities since the last board meeting.
- Meet with the elders of the congregation on a regular basis, to plan and discuss the spiritual life of the church.
- Keep regular office hours, at the church, except when away on church related business.
- He will be expected to demonstrate his interest in his own spiritual and professional growth, by attending seminars, conventions, conferences and other appropriate activities. Board approval should be requested by Pastor before attending.
How To Apply
The Process
Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
- Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the Pastor at Lamberton Church of Christ?
- Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Pastor of Lamberton Church of Christ?
- In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of Lamberton Church of Christ?
Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online sermon to [email protected].