

Date Posted: February 24, 2025
Hours Per Week: 20-40
Piermont Church
Piermont, NH, USA
Job Type: Lead/Head/Senior Pastor
Other Details

Overview: This is a job profile for the position of Pastor at Piermont Church.

Full-time or Part-time Position


“…Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep.’” John 21:17
We are a flock, led by a plurality of elders, seeking a shepherd who will assist in protecting, providing and leading Christ’s church. We are seeking a man on whom the Lord has placed a great burden to preach and teach His Word to His people. A man
who can say with Jeremiah, “…there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.” (Jeremiah 20:9) We are searching for a man who longs to cultivate a deeper knowledge of and love for Christ in His people.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Preach twice per month.
  • Coordinate with and assist the deacons in preparation of Sunday worship.
  • Administer baptisms, weddings, and funerals as needed.
  • Participate in monthly elder meetings, quarterly business meetings and others as the need arises.
  • Pastoral care as needed.
  • Dedicate significant time to prayer and the study of the Holy Scriptures.


  • Meet all the qualifications for elders laid out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
  • Must be willing to reprove, rebuke and exhort with complete patience and teaching.
  • Must be willing to protect the flock from false doctrine and false teachers.

Characteristics/ Skills

  • Devotional Life:  High priority on his personal devotion to the Lord, constantly striving to grow in personal holiness and conformity to the Scriptures.
  • Discipling:  Gifted at teaching believers to become stronger followers of the Lord Jesus Christ in their relationships and daily lives, including teaching how to love and study God’s Word, to love one another, to pursue God’s will, and to bear fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Evangelism: Heart for evangelism and outreach, and should encourage, exhort, motivate and lead in reaching out with the gospel to the local community and beyond.
  • Family & children: Support children and youth ministries with a vision for developing godly families by encouraging and equipping those in the church with a gift and heart for these ministries.
  • Leadership:  Candidate should possess pastoral counseling skills and be committed to counseling people biblically. Be willing to set aside time as needed to assist in counseling people in the church. He should be able to wisely delegate counseling responsibilities among his fellow elders and professional biblical counselors beyond his ability or limitations.
  • Pastoring/Shepherding skills: Relate well to people in a sincere and humble way, lead others by his own example, able to discern the particular needs of individuals in the flock and give them the necessary care. Delegate pastoral care responsibilities among his fellow elders and other gifted individuals within the congregation. Be willing to warn, admonish, rebuke, and correct as necessary to individuals or for the church as a whole.
  • Preacher/Teacher:  An individual who is passionate about the studying and teaching of God’s word. Able to present it boldly & clearly in a way that even the most unlearned among us can understand.
  • Professional Growth Should promote his calling through professional growth, including meeting with other pastors and elders for discipling, study, and mutual encouragement. He should continue his education through classes, conferences, etc.
  • Worship: Should be able to conduct and coordinate the worship service in conjunction with the deacons and worship team.
  • Visitation: To visit individuals and families with the church community, encourage the congregation to demonstrate hospitality to one another and to those in the community.


Approx. $1,730 month (includes reimbursements)

Additional housing benefit of approx. $3,200 month.

How To Apply

Pastor Application Form
Piermont Church
101 Church Street
Piermont, NH 03779

Applicant Details:

Full Name:


City, State, Zip Code:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Position Applied For:


Personal Information:

Date of Birth:

Marital Status:

Number of Children:


Institution Name:

Degree Earned:

Year of Graduation:

Institution Name:

Degree Earned:

Year of Graduation:

Theological Training:

Seminary or Theological School:

Degree Earned:

Specializations or Areas of Focus:

Additional Training or Certifications:


Ordained By:

Date of Ordination:

Denomination or Affiliation:Ministerial Experience:

Current Position:


Start Date:


Previous Position:


Start Date – End Date:


Other Relevant Experience:


Please provide three references, including a current pastor (or a former pastor if you are currently serving as a pastor), and a current or former co-worker



Contact Information:



Contact Information:



Contact Information:

Statement of Faith

(Please provide a brief summary of your core beliefs, particularly how they align with the church’s doctrine)

Why do you want to be a pastor at this church?

(Explain your motivation, vision for the role, and how you see yourself contributing to the church community)

Personal Testimony

(Please share your personal faith journey and how it has led you to this point in your ministry)

Additional Information

(Any other information you believe is pertinent to your application, e.g., community involvement, special skills, or languages spoken)


Applicant’s Signature


Ensure all information provided is accurate and complete.

Attach any additional documents such as resume, copies of certificates, or letters of recommendation if applicable.

Please submit this application to:
Micah Sewell, Elder at Piermont Church via email:

[email protected]

Piermont Church

101 Church Street
Piermont, NH 03779

Pastor Application Form

Applicant Details:

Full Name:


City, State, Zip Code:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Position Applied For:


Personal Information:

Date of Birth:

Marital Status:

Number of Children:


Institution Name:

Degree Earned:

Year of Graduation:

Institution Name:

Degree Earned:

Year of Graduation:

Theological Training:

Seminary or Theological School:

Degree Earned:

Specializations or Areas of Focus:

Additional Training or Certifications:


Ordained By:

Date of Ordination:

Denomination or Affiliation:Ministerial Experience:

Current Position:


Start Date:


Previous Position:


Start Date – End Date:


Other Relevant Experience:


Please provide three references, including a current pastor (or a former pastor if you are currently serving as a pastor), and a current or former co-worker



Contact Information:



Contact Information:



Contact Information:

Statement of Faith

(Please provide a brief summary of your core beliefs, particularly how they align with the church’s doctrine)

Why do you want to be a pastor at this church?

(Explain your motivation, vision for the role, and how you see yourself contributing to the church community)

Personal Testimony

(Please share your personal faith journey and how it has led you to this point in your ministry)

Additional Information

(Any other information you believe is pertinent to your application, e.g., community involvement, special skills, or languages spoken)

Applicant’s Signature:




Ensure all information provided is accurate and complete.

Attach any additional documents such as resume, copies of certificates, or letters of recommendation if applicable.

Please submit this application to:
Micah Sewell, Elder at Piermont Church via email:
[email protected]