Pastor for Toddler Ministry
Date Posted: February 27, 2025
Hours Per Week: 15-20
All Nations Church
Lake View Terrace, CA, USA
Job Type: Childrens Director,Christian Education,Mandarin/Cantonese/Korean/Spanish/Portuguese, etc. Ministry Pastor,Ministry Director
Other Details
Duties and Responsibilities: This pastor is directly responsible for leading Big Jammers (1yr-3 ½ yr) ministry. Responsibilities include Sundays, midweek programming and special events. The pastor will be directly responsible to the KidzWinC Director of All Nations Church.
- Oversee all programming and ministry for children ages 1-3 ½, including Sunday mornings, Friday nights, summer programming, special events, etc.
- Prepare curriculum for each program and each age level.
- Create environments, activities and programming for each age group that will facilitate learning and encourage spiritual growth.
- Provide care for children and families within the church including regular prayers, visitations, and follow-up phone calls.
- Communicate consistently with parents as well as provide the tools they need for spiritual leadership.
- Maintain a strategy for reaching and assimilating new children and families.
- Plan and oversee special events such as VBS, FamJam, Easter Sunday, etc.
- Recruit, train, and pray for children’s ministry volunteers.
- Create and effectively manage the ministry’s budget.
- Participate in staff meetings, providing up-to-date information about ministry.
- Maintain excellent relationships and open communication with all staff.
Mentoring & Evaluation
- Receive mentoring and ministry counseling as needed.
- Renew the contract after undergoing ministry evaluation every year.
Qualifications (지원자격)
Legal Residency Status
- Applicants must have valid legal status to reside in the United States.
- 미국에 합당한 신분으로 체류 중이신 분
Educational and Pastoral Experience
- Applicants must have a formal theological degree from an accredited seminary in Korea or the United States and/or currently enrolled in a accredited seminary and have prior pastoral experiences.
- 한국 또는 미국에서 정규 신학대 학위를 받으신 분으로 목회 경험이 있으신 분
Required Documents (제출서류)
- Position Applied For(지원부서)
- Resume (이력서)
- Personal Testimony/Statement (자기소개서)
- Two Letters of Recommendation (추천서 2명)
- 1 Video of current sermon (현행 설교 영상 1개)
- A degree certificate or current record of enrollment must be submitted before the second interview (2차 인터뷰 전에 학위 증명서 사본을 제출해야 합니다)
How To Apply
Application Submission (이메일제출)
Please submit all required documents to the following email (이메일로 제출해 주세요): [email protected]