Lead Pastor
Other Details
We are a Christian Reformed Church with approx. 275 members located in suburban New Jersey, approx. 20 minutes west of New York City. We are biblically conservative and seek to be culturally relevant. Seeking a shepherding pastor who loves people, proclaims the truth of scripture, seeks to reach the community, and can lead us to be faithful followers of Christ.
We believe the primary purpose of Church is for the people to experience God through worship. Therefore we emphasize the worship environment so that when people have spent time with us they have a truly uplifting experience that leaves them more desiring of God.
Growing Young
This concept highlights our high priority on being a place of Christian growth and development for young people. We offer great ministries that build up the next generation through meaningful worship, service, and friendships of their own. We even encourage youth to take up leadership roles within the church.
Praying Unceasingly
It’s our conviction that without prayer, we are powerless to make any great impact on the world around us. Prayer is something we do individually, corporately, through conversation with God, and in request of needs we may have. Prayer itself is an act of worship and therefore our church is dedicated to making our church truly a “house of prayer.”
Extending Love to All
First John declares that God is Love. We don’t necessarily believe love is God, but that the heart of God is for His unconditional love to become a reality among those within the church community so that we are built up and equipped for this holy faith. In addition, we desire that such unconditional love be spread into our immediate communities through acts of service and then beyond to the world through global mission projects and support.
How To Apply
Please send a resume to [email protected].