
Worship Leader

Date Posted: March 7, 2025
Hours Per Week: 40
New City Church
Charlotte, NC, USA
Job Type: Music or Worship Director
Other Details

Position Summary:
The role of the Matthews Worship Leader supports the mission of New City Church to help others find and follow Jesus through creating and facilitating meaningful and engaging Christ-centered worship experiences.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:


  • Shepherd and disciple worship team members and congregation members.
  • Connect with key ministry leaders and create opportunities to grow.
  • Create a culture of discipleship and servant leadership.
  • Identify future leaders and invest in their development.
  • Connect with congregation members as needed/requested.
  • Participate in weekly campus leadership meetings and Service Programming team meetings.


  • Schedule band/vocalists/tech for all Matthews services in Planning Center Online (PCO).
  • Ensure all charts/MP3s/resources are available and organized for team members in PCO.
  • Assist with worship for All-Staff Gatherings as necessary.
  • Maintain instruments/gear that belong to the church and schedule repairs as needed.
  • Oversee response elements such as communion and baptism, working with Worship Pastor and Discipleship Team to facilitate these elements in service.
  • Maintain supplies (snacks, coffee, donuts, etc.) in the “green room” for Sunday services and keep space clean.
  • Oversee weekly check requests for musicians, worship leaders, and other contractors.
  • Maintain credit card report/worship ministry budget.


  • Plan weekly services that combine intentionality and theological reflection for the gatherings.
  • Lead worship for non-Sunday gatherings as requested and available.
  • Ensure musical quality, identify weak areas, and work to develop volunteers/contractors toward fulfilling the vision of the ministry.
  • Create margin for personal musical growth.
  • Collaborate with other New City Worship leaders on special services, projects, and creative work.
  • Work with the Production team to create distraction free environments.

Minimum Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities):

Education and Experience:

  • 3-4 Years Full Time Worship Leadership in a modern setting.
  • College degree preferred.
  • Formal worship or seminary education preferred.

Knowledge and Skills:

  • Strong vocalist and proficient in at least one instrument. You must be able to lead a service without a band if needed.
  • Proficient in the following programs: Planning Center Online, Ableton, and ProPresenter

Spiritual Requirements:

  • Must be a professing Christian.
  • Personal alignment to the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Free Church in America.

How To Apply

Apply at https://www.newcity.us/careers