
Variety of Ministry Opportunities

Date Posted: April 24, 2024
Hours Per Week: 25
Christ Presbyterian Church, Milford
Milford, CT, USA
Job Type: Adult Pastor,Associate Pastor,Bi-vocational,Christian Education,Counselor,Discipleship Pastor,Family Pastor,Men's Ministry,Ministry Director,Music or Worship Director,Other Professional Ministry Positions,Residency
Other Details

Assistant, Apprentice, Intern or Seminarian to serve Christ Presbyterian Church Milford Mission Church in the work of the Gospel.

This is intentionally very broad as we want anyone who could be a good fit to consider a conversation with us. We are open to anyone from an ordained pastor all the way to someone just beginning seminary:

We are seeking someone who can partner with Pastor Curran Bishop, the staff, leaders, and congregation of Christ Presbyterian Church Milford in the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This man could be an ordained pastor, perhaps seeking training to plant a church or serve in a similar context. This could be a man seeking ordination. This could be a man studying for ministry, who is not tied to a particular location, and would benefit from the pastoral oversight and opportunity to experience ministry in small-city New England. This could be a trained counselor who wants to establish a counseling practice while still serving the local church vocationally. The duties would be somewhat negotiable, based on the candidate’s sense of calling and gifts. The candidate could take on pastoral duties including evangelism and outreach, preaching, pastoral care, youth and children’s ministry arts ministry, business ministry and outreach. We are offering a stipend but acknowledge that most of the salary for this position would need to be through fundraising or bi-vocational work.

One iteration may look like this:

Church Planting/Student Ministry Seminarian for
Christ Presbyterian Church Milford: 2024-2025

Believing that a ministry to youth and families would both speak to the character of Milford and to our needs as a church plant, an intern will serve as a church planting/student ministry apprentice to minister to children and youth in Milford. They would be responsible financially and administratively to Christ Presbyterian Church Milford (Mission Church) with Curran Bishop and the Milford mission church temporary session being his point of contact.

He will split his time between theological training for pastoral ministry, his time with Curran and the pastors of the Mission Anabaino collaborative and ministry to children and youth in the Milford area.

  • Theological training: the intern will pursue seminary training, either in a regional program he can access in person, or through a correspondence/hybrid program, at a rate of 2 classes per semester.
  • Apprenticeship: under the supervision of Curran Bishop, he will continue to be involved in developmental opportunities with the pastors, elders and lay leaders of Christ Pres and the local Mission Anabaino collaborative.
  • Having come under care of the temporary session of Christ Pres Milford and SNEP, He will continue to complete requirements for his agreed upon commitments.
  • Ministry to children and youth: he will build relationships on the campuses of Milford schools, potentially starting a program like WyldLife, developing Christian outreach in elementary and middle school contexts. Youth and children will be regularly invited to church and given opportunities to serve the church. He will also be responsible to oversee volunteers in developing Christ Pres. Milford’s children’s and youth ministry.
  • Ministry to congregation: he will preach six times per year, prepare and lead worship services once per month, be involved in and have some leadership/teaching responsibilities with community group and other events, outreaches, studies and trainings, engage with congregational ministry through various activities and developing relationships in the congregation.

Terms of Call:

Total Package: $62,305

  1. Employee Gross Wages: $40,000
    • Salary: $38,000
    • Retirement Contribution: $2,000
  1. Employer Provided Benefits: $9,985
    • Employer Matching Retirement up to 5% Gross Wages: $2,000
    • Long Term Disability/Enhanced Life Insurance: $395
    • Health Insurance (paid to employee): $3,000
    • FICA: $4,590
    • Four Weeks Vacation Time
    • Sick days: 5
    • Support raising days: 3
  1. Professional Expenses: $12,320
    • Cell Phone Reimbursement: $420
    • Professional Development (seminary): $8,000
    • Mileage Reimbursement: $1,500
    • Youth & Children’s Outreach Ministry Expenses: $2,400
  1. Income Sources
    • Christ Pres Milford contribution: $15,575
    • Personal support: $46,730
  2. Time Commitment
  • Weekly time commitment: 55 hrs.
    • 25 hours serving Christ Presbyterian Church
    • 30 hours for seminary development

Another iteration may look like this:

Assistant Pastor for Christ Presbyterian Church Milford: 2024-2025

The assistant pastor will enhance our outreach/evangelism ministry in the community and our pastoral ministry within the congregation as a generalist while giving specific attention to ministries to youth and children, and the arts or business community. This will both speak to the character of Milford and to our needs as a church plant. The assistant pastor is responsible financially and administratively to Christ Presbyterian Church Milford (Mission Church) with Curran Bishop and the Milford mission church temporary session being his point of contact.

The assistant pastor will split his time between pastoral ministry and a bi-vocational work of his choosing, as well as participate in the Mission Anabaino collaborative.

  • Business Ministry: the assistant pastor will network with institutions like the Milford Area Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Milford Business Association, or the Milford Arts Council, and help the church to establish a venue to serve as both a membership-based workspace and “3rd space” contact point for outreach to the community.
  • Ministry to children and youth: the assistant pastor will build relationships on the campuses of Milford schools, potentially starting a program like WyldLife, developing Christian outreach in elementary and middle school contexts. Youth and children will be regularly invited to church and given opportunities to serve the church. The intern will also be responsible to oversee volunteers in developing Christ Pres. Milford’s children’s and youth ministry.
  • Ministry to congregation: the assistant pastor will preach nine times per year, prepare and lead worship services twice per month, be involved in and have some leadership/teaching responsibilities with community group and other events, outreaches, studies and trainings, engage with congregational ministry through various activities and developing relationships in the congregation.

Total Package: $62,305

  1. Employee Gross Wages: $54,190
    • Salary: $23,000
    • Housing Allowance: $26,590
    • Retirement Contribution: $2,400
    • Life Insurance Contribution: $200
  2. Employer Provided Benefits: $5,795
    • Employer Matching Retirement up to 5% Gross Wages: $2,400
    • Long Term Disability/Enhanced Life Insurance: $395
    • Health Insurance (paid to employee): $3,000
    • Four Weeks Vacation Time; One week study leave
    • Sick days: 5
    • Support raising days: 3
  1. Professional Expenses: $4,320
    • Cell Phone Reimbursement: $420
    • Mileage Reimbursement: $1,500
    • Youth & Children’s Outreach Ministry Expenses: $2,400
  1. Income Sources
    • Christ Pres Milford contribution: $15,575
    • Personal support: $46,730
  1. Time Commitment
  • Weekly time commitment: 50 hrs.
    • 25 hours serving Christ Presbyterian Church
    • 25 hours bi-vocational service

How To Apply

Reach out to Curran Bishop: [email protected]; 203-812-9928