Associate Pastor of Family Ministry
Other Details
The Assistant Pastor carries out our vision of discipleship from the cradle-to-grave by overseeing our community groups, working with a team of staff including nursery ministry staff, children’s ministry staff, youth staff, as well as oversees the Kids’ Connection program on Sunday nights. He preaches 10 to 12 times a year and teaches adult Sunday school as needed.
Qualifications and Educational Requirements:
▪ Must be Ordainable in the PCA, have a Masters of Divinity degree or its equivalent, 3 to 5 years of ministry experience and a personal spiritual life congruent with Biblical leadership mandates (1Tim 3:1-7, 2 Tim 2:2, Titus 1:6-9).
Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities:
- Provides vision for cradle-to-grave discipleship ministry and communicates it effectively to volunteers, staff and session.
- Effectively leads through goals matched with the ability to create excitement for ministry of staff, volunteers and families in ministry.
- Overseeing curriculum needs in cooperation with the discipleship ministry team, Life on Life Missional discipleship groups and community groups.
- Caring for Christian education staff and volunteers.
- Meet with community group leaders monthly to provide support and curriculum as needed.
- Work with our young professionals to help them organize and fellowship.
- Recruit and train new leaders for community groups and Life on Life groups.
- Keep up to date with Christian education needs.
- Initiate and organize large family events, (VBS, Gingerbread House making party, etc.).
- Recruit for and work with outreach and assimilation ministries: Friendly Faces & First Glance.
- Provide oversight, equipping, and administrative support for community group leaders.
- Work with and train people in hospitality and friendship evangelism.
Miscellaneous Pastoral Duties:
Visitations, preaching, teaching, administrative, and delegated duties as needed.
- Teachable and exhibits a growing personal relationship with God, solid faith and life skills, personal spiritual discipline, sound Biblical application, and a commitment to excellence.
- Energetic, gifted communicator, outgoing leader, and engaging teacher. An evangelical soul-winner and discipler able to communicate Biblical theology and spiritual formation.
- Desires to shepherd and has a passion for outreach, both personally and through ministry activities.
- Capable of developing/casting/executing the long-term vision for Friendly Hills’ to young families as a key outreach and thrust for growing the church.
- Self-motivated leader with sound administrative skills, plus relationally skilled with students, parents and staff. Able to recruit, equip and delegate to other leaders.
- Enjoys leading and collaborating with a pastoral team.
- Intentionally pursues, invests in and equips young men in the church with the intent of preparing them for leadership in the home as well as in the church and workplace.
- Able to provide historical examples of doing this fruitfully.
- Demonstrated ability to create repeatable administrative processes necessary to organize and sustain ministry activities.
- Demonstrates long-term potential for growth with a desire to one day serve as a senior pastor.
Demonstrates gifts and desire to disciple in a life-on-life manner.
- Demonstrates long-term potential for growth with a desire to one day serve as a senior pastor.
How To Apply
Please send a resume to [email protected].