
Church Planter

Date Posted: February 15, 2024
Hours Per Week: 40+
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Northeast, PA, MD, etc., USA
Job Type: Solo Pastor
Other Details

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Seeks Church Planters

Baltimore-D.C. / Pittsburgh / Other Northeastern Cities or Towns

The Northeast Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church seeks to plant churches that are outreach-oriented and distinctively Reformed and Presbyterian in areas that have promising demographics, core group potential, and ministry connections.

We seek winsome and godly men who:

  • Have a demonstrable record in personal evangelism.
  • Preach clear, applicable expository sermons.
  • Can articulate the Reformed faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.
  • Are committed to reformed worship.
  • If married, have a healthy family life and a wife who shares his commitment to church planting and hospitality.
  • Have a M.Div. (with Greek and Hebrew) from an accredited and approved seminary and is ordained in a NAPARC denomination or eligible for ordination/reception/transfer into the ARP.

How To Apply

Before applying, please fill out the Self-Assessment Instrument, “Is Church Planting in a Good Fit for Me?” found at https://outreachnorthamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/self-assessment-4.5.2023.pdf

If the results of this self-assessment are favorable, we invite you to email a resume or data form and 2 audio sermons to Peter Kemeny (301-473-7070; [email protected]), chairman of Outreach Northeast Committee.

Our synod and presbytery offer personal assessment for church planting gifts, training, provisional session oversight, and manpower from nearby sister churches.  The right man will receive a very competitive compensation package. More information about church planting with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church can be found at https://outreachnorthamerica.org/how-we-help/church-planters/.