Director or Pastor of Whole-Life Discipleship and Community Formation
Other Details
College Church endeavors to train people in the art of following Jesus so that they can be fully immersed in the life of the Kingdom. College Church also endeavors to create, nurture, and multiply environments where people at all points on their spiritual journey can experience the gospel in community and be part of a fellowship that nourishes faith, shares life and serves together.
This individual would work within the congregation to increase our capacity for making whole-life disciples who make whole-life disciples. College Church has been gifted with an incredible supply of mature saints who are eager to come alongside of new and young believers and help them learn how to follow Jesus. We are looking for someone who can not only build into people but also create and sustain a culture and systems where discipleship and equipping can be scaled to meet the needs of a growing congregation.
This person will shepherd and equip existing small group leaders and develop new leaders who can pioneer fresh expressions of Christian community that will engage a greater percentage of the congregation as well as those who are not yet here. This person should bring an innovative spirit as we begin to think through how to best engage not only the committed, but also the curious, the skeptical and those who have “stepped back” from organized religion – due to church hurt, or out of a desire to examine their faith.
We are looking for someone who is passionate about the church and energized by the challenge of reaching and engaging busy people in a highly secularized culture.
Core Strengths:
- Leadership Development.
- Discipling and Mentoring.
- Innovation.
Core Responsibilities
- Small Group Health, Development and Multiplication.
- Create a culture of intentional life-on-life disciple-making and mentoring.
- Create pathways for new believers to discover and use their spiritual gifts.
- Contribute to the teaching and preaching ministry of the church, as gifted and called.
Teamwork / Other Expectations
- Meet regularly with Senior Pastor for prayer, encouragement and supervision.
- Be present at least 44 Sundays per year.
- Attend weekly staff meetings (Wednesdays, 9:30am).
About Us: College Church is a gospel-centered, interdenominational church located in Northampton, MA. We are a congregation of 190 members with an average weekly attendance of 350 (in person and online). We currently have over 120 people involved in nine small groups, and many mature believers who are actively mentoring and discipling others.
How To Apply
To Apply, email resume, cover letter and spiritual autobiography to [email protected]