

Date Posted: May 26, 2024
Hours Per Week: 40+
New Life Christian Reformed Church
Highland, IN, USA
Job Type: Solo Pastor
Other Details

We are looking for an ordained minister who will disciple and equip the people of God through:

  • Preaching 40%
    • 1x per week
    • Pulpit exchange as discussed by Elders.
  • Pastoral Care 20%
    • Fosters, by participation and the oversight of the Elders, regular visitation of the congregational members Primarily hospital visits.
    • Pastor should respond to other requests as needed.
    • Long-term counseling concerns should be referred to professional counselors.
    • Staff Development – Discipleship.
    • Visit Nursing homes annually.
    • Provide Guidance for Weddings and Funerals as requested.
    • Elders are expected to take the primary lead in responding to chronic concerns and caring for the elderly.
  • Teaching 15%
    • High School Catechism.
    • New Members Classes as needed.
    • Pre-profession of Faith Class as needed.
    • Speak at Chapels/Bible Studies/Other venues as requested.
  • Administration 25%
    • Council, Elders, Worship Committee, Staff.
    • Class/Denominational Assignments.
    • Involved in Community Outreach Opportunities.

How To Apply

Questions, cover letters, resumes, and links to sermons can be emailed to the Search Committee Chair using the contact information in the linked church profile and position description.