
International Student Ministry

Date Posted: August 21, 2024
Hours Per Week: 20-40
International Students Inc.
Various, Various, USA
Job Type: Christian Education,Counselor,faith-based,Non-Profit/Parachurch/Missions,Other Professional Ministry Positions
Other Details

International Student Ministry Full Time/Part Time Positions Available
International Students, Inc, exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others.

Campus Staff

Are you eager to work directly with students from around the world on college and university campuses in your community? Has God gifted you with the skills to impact the Kingdom cross-culturally?

City/Area Mobilizer

Does your heart yearn to see God’s church reach out in Christ’s love to the strangers in our midst? Has God blessed you with leadership gifts that motivate and move others to action?

Ministry Representative

The Ministry Representative is a volunteer who works directly under the supervision of a local staff member. His or her work ranges from direct ministry and evangelism to roles that assist the ministry’s efforts to mobilize and train volunteers in local churches.

We have opportunities to serve in various cities as: City Directors, Campus Staff, Mobilizers, Student Staff and volunteers. If any of these sound intriguing, I’d encourage you to browse more in-depth job descriptions on our website! Please see details here: https://www.get2knowisi.org/the-positions.html

How To Apply

Please see details here on how to apply: https://www.get2knowisi.org/the-positions.html