Lead Pastor
Other Details
Lake Tapps Community Church (Lake Tapps, WA) – Lead Pastor
The Big Picture
Lake Tapps Community Church (laketappscc.org) is seeking a Lead Pastor to join us in our mission and vision, as our primary preacher, teacher, and shepherd. Gifted in expository preaching and teaching, he will value prayer and have a heart for discipleship, evangelism, and missions. He will be a shepherd at heart, leading relationally, with approachability and authenticity. He will embody the qualifications laid out in the pastoral epistles for elders and leaders.
The Church
With the breathtaking view of Mount Rainier, Lake Tapps Community Church (LTCC) sits atop a hill with easy access to the surrounding communities of Auburn, Bonney Lake and Sumner. Drawing people from these cities and neighboring areas, we are committed to honoring God by introducing people to Jesus, as we pray, grow in our faith, give of our time, talents and resources, and equip the faithful to go and reach others for Him.
As of October 2024, LTCC has 118 Members. Twenty-nine new members have joined since January 2023. The average in-person attendance on Sunday is 144. The majority of attendees are married couples between the ages of 35 and 80. We have several families with young children under age 12. Nearly half of our congregation is retired, yet there is an eager heart for children and youth as they age up in the church body.
During our time with the IPM Interim Pastor, through prayerful introspection and intentional training, we are preparing for the new lead pastor. We have experienced much growth through this diligent effort. We long to create an active culture where our LTCC Family is excited to invite unchurched friends, family, or co-workers to join our journey with Jesus. We desire to more effectively reach and reflect the demographics of our community by expanding our ministry to young families, single parents, and young adults. The demographic in our LTCC Family does not reflect our community. Our current curriculum focuses on empowering all who worship at LTCC to share the gospel message and encourage engagement with the lost. A number of our young people will soon reach youth group age; we need to strengthen our ministries for them and their families. The elders are discussing a second worship service to accommodate our growing numbers. [Current attendance hovers at 80-85% of capacity.
Overview of Duties and responsibilities
- Preaching/Teaching
- Shepherding
- Leadership
- Staff Development
- Making Disciples who Make Disciples
Qualities and Characteristics
- Daily in the Word, prayer and fellowship ¨ Expository preaching/teaching style
- Successful lead pastor experience
- Relational wisdom
- Visionary team-based leadership
- Teachable spirit
- Completed training at an accredited seminary
- Effective written and verbal communication
- Preferred eight years of general pastoral experience
The Compensation
Salary range: $100k to $115K inclusive of housing. (We have a very nice parsonage next to the church but understand that some pastors prefer not to live that close or want to own their home… we’ll adjust salary accordingly.)
Benefits: Medical insurance will be the pastor’s responsibility; we normally provide a stipend to help with that cost.
Vacation: 4 weeks is our current pastor’s vacation allotment.
How To Apply
The Process
Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
- Why do you believe that you might be a good fit for LTCC?
- Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Lead Pastor of LTCC?
- In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of LTCC?
Please send your resume and the answers to these questions to Jason@LancasterSearch.com.