

Date Posted: January 28, 2024
Hours Per Week: 40
Finesville Church
Finesville, NJ, USA
Job Type: Lead/Head/Senior Pastor
Other Details

Finesville Church (Finesville, NJ) – Pastor

The Big Picture

Finesville Church (finesvillechurch.com) is seeking a caring Pastor with a Shepherd’s Heart.

The Church

The church itself effectively ministers to about 45-50 each week. This group is a cross section of the community, and the median age is representative of the community surrounding it. The same goes for race, ethnicity, economic and educational diversity. Though the congregation generally consists of mature adults, when families with members under 21 do attend they are warmly welcomed, and childcare is provided. Finesville Church is definitely not a “spectator” group but rather an involved congregation who love being together and serving side by side.

The joy of a smaller church is relationships. The people care for each other, welcome new folks of any age, are not cliquish or territorial, and serve anywhere they see a need. Gathered worship is gently celebratory, simple, follows a regular cadence including the clear reading and teaching of the Scriptures, classic hymns, worship songs, meaningful shared prayer, and a unique “liturgy” where the Doxology, sometimes the Lord’s Prayer or Apostles Creed, and the Benediction are included. Lest we forget, every service concludes with a beautiful Finesville tradition: The singing of “God Be with You Till We Meet Again;” a hymn written in the 1800’s by a worshiper at Finesville for the congregation. It is a precious way to end each gathering.

Finesville Church is a Bible Fellowship Church that ministers in accord with the Faith and Order of the BFC. Our highest allegiance is to the Scriptures. Recognizing and appreciating the autonomy of the local church, we seek to be biblically sound in our teaching, polity, and functioning as we live out our faith in community. We have elders and deacons and call a pastor in accord with the BFC. We function effectively as a body without more structure than is necessary. The elders serve as the BFC required Pastoral Relations Committee. The church family uses their gifts to care for the overall ministry of the church.

The Candidate

We are seeking a caring Pastor. For the past 26+ years Finesville Church has been blessed with a loving Pastor and his wife and family who effectively ministered to the congregation. Ministers are often called to be preachers, pastors, leaders, counselors, visionaries, and more. While Pastor Widger provides clear biblical teaching and preaching, gentle leadership, and counsel to the flock, his primary role and clear calling has been to shepherd the flock. A Finesville pastor will feed the sheep, guide the sheep, guard the sheep, bring healing when needed, share in the lives of the congregation and community. In essence he will love the sheep. We are not seeking to replicate Byron’s ministry but will be seeking a man with a Pastor’s heart.

The Qualifications

Finesville Church is a unique congregation that is seeking an equally unique shepherd. While the man we are seeking must give clear evidence of both his salvation and his calling, will have the training and experience necessary, and if married, is above reproach when it comes to his own marriage and/or family, we desire a man who shows spiritual maturity, grace, and wisdom in every area of his life. Finesville has elders and deacons who serve beside the Pastor. Communication between him and these leaders is deeply important. In that a smaller congregation isn’t encumbered by committees nor a great deal of structure, his help as a motivator, an encourager, a co-worker who knows, develops, and involves the giftedness of his people will be of great value. He will also be the kind of man who serves in any way he asks others to serve, not ruling nor lording it over them. The pastor should strive to have visibility, relationship, involvement, and impact with families in the community as well as the church membership. As the only church in Finesville, we and our pastor are respected, appreciated, recognized as those who care about those around us.

The Compensation

Salary                          $47,500

Housing                           2,200

Annuity Fund                   2,358

Medical Insurance           4,745

Social Security                 4,510

Ministry Reimburse          6,775

Mission Trip Travel           2,000

Parsonage and all utilities

All office supplies and technology

How To Apply

The Process

Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:

  • Why do you believe that you might be a good fit for Finesville Church?
  • Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Pastor at Finesville Church?
  • In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of Finesville and the Bible Fellowship Church (https://www.bfc.org/who-we-are/articles-of-faith/)?

Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online sermon to [email protected].