

Date Posted: February 24, 2024
Hours Per Week: 40
Valleyview Bible Church
Cimarron, KS, USA
Job Type: Lead/Head/Senior Pastor
Other Details

Valleyview Bible Church (Cimarron, KS) Pastor

The Big Picture

Valleyview Bible Church (valleyviewbiblechurch.wordpress.com) is seeking a Pastor with a heart for God and a passion for ministry to preach the Word of God and shepherd the people of God.


Preaching/ Teaching Ministries

  • Preach and teach God’s Word with grace and truth, while challenging the congregation to a life of discipleship.  2 Timothy 4:2
  • Motivate, inspire, and equip the saints (Eph 4) to utilize their God-given gifts for the building up of the body of Christ.
  • Lead in prayer for the congregation and its ministries.
  • Oversee/coordinate congregation services.

Oversight Ministries

  • The pastor shall serve as one of the Elders.
  • Give pastoral input to the various church commissions.
  • The pastor shall be responsible to the counsel of the Board of Elders for his ministry.

People Ministries

  • Weddings and funerals.
  • Counseling (pre-marital, marriage, family, personal).
  • Baptism and orientation of new converts or members.
  • Visitation (newcomer, hospital, congregational).
  • Maintain regular communication with the congregation.


  • To enthusiastically lead by example in evangelism and discipleship.


  • Directly accountable to the Board of Elders and ultimately the congregation.
  • Works with the Board of Elders for vision, workload, and ministry.
  • Will undergo regular (normally annual) evaluations by the Board of Elders.


  • The pastor’s life and character shall correspond with the scriptural standards set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
  • His life and teaching are in agreement with the inspired and infallible Word of God.

The Compensation

$65,000-$75,000 total package. Housing assistance in the form of a loan, from the church, on a downpayment to purchase a home may be available.

How To Apply

The Process

Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:

  • Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the Pastor at Valleyview Bible Church?
  • Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Pastor of Valleyview Bible Church?
  • In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of Valleyview Bible Church?

Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online sermon to [email protected].