
Pastor/Director of Student Ministry

Date Posted: March 4, 2025
Hours Per Week: 40
The Chapel
Lincoln Park, NJ, USA
Job Type: Family Pastor,Ministry Director,Other Professional Ministry Positions
Other Details

This pastor/director will serve as leader of the Student Ministry team and will develop and oversee the programs needed to shepherd people ages 12 to 18 years old. This is a full-time position.

History & Current
The Chapel’s roots trace back to the 1930s, when a businessman named Tom Allen started a youth outreach in a vacant chapel on Jacksonville Road in Lincoln Park, New Jersey. This growing movement was soon incorporated as Jacksonville Chapel, a church that built on its youth ministry to begin serving all generations. In a culture where people were increasingly left cold by the formality of traditional religion, Jacksonville Chapel became known as a different kind of church—one that embraced historic Christianity in a way that people could grasp and live out in practical ways.
More than 80 years later, The Chapel has never lost its emphasis on serving the next generation and approaching faith in practical ways. But The Chapel has now grown into a thriving church community that meets in Lincoln Park, Wayne, and Online. The Chapel has a rich history, and we’re confident that our best days are ahead.


  • Growing relationship with God through frequent time in the Word and prayer.
  • Love for students and a strong desire to see them grow in their walk with Christ.
  • Good communication and teaching skills.
  • Can recruit and equip volunteers and ministry teams in a multi-generational setting.
  • Solid biblical understanding and agreement with Chapel’s doctrinal statement and key positions.
  • Ability to provide leadership and direction for a large ministry through teamwork.
  • Minimum of two years’ experience working with students.
  • Undergraduate degree from a recognized college or university is required; graduate degree is preferred.
  • Training (or willingness to receive training) in pastoral care and youth mentoring.

Please see link below for full job description.

How To Apply

Ready to take the Next Step?
To find out additional information about The Chapel, please visit thechapel.org to discover our core beliefs, vision, and values and to learn about many other ministries of the church. If, after prayerfully reviewing this information, you sense this role and church culture could be a good fit for you, please contact Heather Horn via any of the options below.

Heather Horn
Director of Family Ministries
[email protected]
(973) 334-6657 x225