Pastoral Resident
Other Details
Trinity Church of Bedford is looking for a godly, skilled, and energetic man to serve as a Pastoral Resident for 3yrs (with potential to extend). He will lead ministries, serve the church, and execute the vision of the elders as he hones his pastoral skills in the context of a church plant. Ministry in New England isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for those who love evangelism, love discipling, and can persevere through trials.
It’s for those who resonate with Luther’s famous quote: “I simply taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing. And while I slept, or drank Wittenberg beer with my friends Philipp and Amsdorf, the Word so greatly weakened the papacy that no prince or emperor ever inflicted such losses upon it. I did nothing; the Word did everything.” That’s our model: biblical preaching, deep friendships, and resting in God’s Word to do the work. As one author put it: preach, pray, love, and stay.
That’s what we’re about, and we’re looking for another co-laborer who can put his hand to the plow. A man who loves the church and loves the ordinary means of grace. A man who loves his family and who loves the life of the mind, yet isn’t afraid to apply the Bible to today.
An M.Div is optional; zeal isn’t.
We aim to be a church that follows the example of J.R.R. Tolkien’s the Riders of Rohan. When they were hard pressed, “all the host of Rohan burst into song, and they sang as they slew, for the joy of battle was on them, and the sound of their singing was fair and terrible.” We’re seeking another man to lead the joyful work of the cause of Christ.
This is the type of man we’re looking for. Derivatively, we need help in the following areas and are hiring to fill these gaps. Specifically:
- Leading youth group on local military base.
- Church-wide communications (e.g. weekly newsletter, social media, weekly bulletins).
- Discipling (e.g. meeting with believers to do spiritual good, following up with visitors, helping teach Sunday school as needed).
- Evangelism (must be eager and driven to meet unbelievers and share Christ; possibility of starting outreach to local community college).
- Preaching (Resident will preach monthly at Sunday evening services).
- Administration.
- Music (optional, but especially beneficial if the Resident can lead congregational worship).
This role requires some fund-raising. Based upon the qualifications of the candidate, the church is able to provide $25,000+ to the Resident’s salary. Like in most church plants, the rest will need to be raised. The elders will provide coaching and guidance to help raise funds. If the Resident is seeking continuing education (i.e. seminary), up to 4hrs/wk is encouraged.
How To Apply
Our church is marked by Christ’s centrality, Reformed soteriology, Baptist ecclesiology, expositional preaching, meaningful membership, deliberate discipleship, joyfully urgent evangelism, congregational singing, generous hospitality, people over programs, and glad complementarianism. If you do not already fully embrace these emphases, please do not apply.
If you are interested, please email [email protected] with your resume, a list of churches you’ve been a member of for the past 3+ years, a list of the 5 most influential books of your philosophy of ministry, and a family photo. May God give you grace and wisdom!