Regional Executive Minister
Other Details
The American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire are pleased to announce the opening of applications for the next Executive Minister. The Executive Minister will serve as theologian, evangelist, visionary, conservator of the faith, and biblical role model, as well as promote a spirit of unity within the diverse array of churches represented within the region. The Executive Minister will be the spiritual leader, pastor to pastors, and chief executive officer of the American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire, subject to the general direction of the board of trustees. The search committee is in the midst of a discernment process to discover God’s candidate for this important position.
- A strong personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; demonstrated gifts of leadership, preaching, teaching, administration, discernment, encouragement, wisdom, and a sense of a call of God to ministry in this region
- ABC ordination is required
- Has earned at least a Master of Divinity Degree from a fully accredited school of divinity/theology
- Possesses significant ABC pastoral experience
- Shows a commitment to the mission and ministries of the American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire as a part of ABCUSA
A person
- of honesty, integrity, and transparency
- who will seek to unify churches in our region while respecting each church’s autonomy
- committed to the authority of scripture
- devoted to the spread of the gospel
- sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit
- of prayer who demonstrates a mature personal faith
- with high emotional intelligence who is approachable, compassionate, and a good listener
- marked by joy and humility
The Executive Minister will
- serve as a pastor to pastors
- be able to serve as an advisor and resource to local churches
- encourage lay and clergy participation in region matters
- creatively shepherd us through broad questions of denominational involvement and the relationships between pastors, churches, and associations
- work with churches in finding pastors
- work cooperatively with the board of trustees to discern and communicate the mission and vision of the region
- will be responsible for stewarding the finances and administration of the region
- be responsible for helping to meet the practical needs of the pastors and churches of the region through the discretionary fund
- Develop and recruit leaders for the region
- Encourage creative and adaptive solutions to ministry challenges
- Peacemaking and mediating for churches in conflict
- Proactively work to ensure that personal connections are established with pastors and churches across the entire region
○ Through personal visits to region churches and pastors
○ By being available to preach and teach
- Represent the region at local church, association, and denominational events ● Provide mentorship to pastors
- Compensation: Full-time position – $ 85,000.00 – 100,00.00 + Benefits
- Candidates must be willing to relocate in reasonable proximity to the region in Lebanon, NH
How To Apply
Interested persons should submit the following items by email to: [email protected]
or mail to:
American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire
93 South Main Street, # 201
W. Lebanon, NH 03784
- A brief letter of interest
- A resume/ABC profile and a Statement of Faith