Youth Pastor
Other Details
Crosby Chapel (Seabeck, Washington) Youth Pastor
The Big Picture
Crosby Chapel ( is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor with an emphasis on youth.
Position Summary: Crosby Chapel is hiring a full time Associate Pastor. We are a friendly, casual, family oriented non-denominational community church with a mission to spread the good news about Jesus Christ and disciple Christians in our community through Bible centered teaching and outreach. We are looking for someone who complements our church, is kind, humble, and has a passion to lead our youth and high school ministries and support our senior pastor. The individual serving in this role is expected to fulfill the command of Ephesians 4:12 to “equip the saints for the work of ministry”. We are located in beautiful Seabeck, Washington nestled between the Olympic and Cascade Mountains and Hood Canal and are just minutes away from year-round outdoor activities including hiking, fishing and biking. At Crosby Chapel over 60% of our members volunteer in some form of ministry — we are more than just a Church, we are a family.
About Crosby Chapel
Crosby Chapel is an active church located in rural Seabeck, Washington, a growing community about 30 minutes west of Bremerton and Silverdale. Crosby Chapel was established in 1943. We have grown from a chapel with only a single room and an outhouse to the spacious church that it is today, seating over 400 individuals. It was remodeled in 1982 and there have been two additional expansions since then. The first expansion was in 1990 and the most recent in 2001. These expansions significantly enlarged our sanctuary, added classrooms, constructed offices for the staff, enlarged the youth room, built a gymnasium, and a large social area we like to call the foyer. We hold one service each Sunday morning with Sunday school after service.
We practice open Communion on the first Sunday of every month and we baptize those who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior on a volunteer basis. We support a message that is heavily grace-based; convicting without being judgmental. We accept Christians of all denominations and respect the beliefs of individuals with various Christian backgrounds.
The People
At Crosby we are friendly, casual, family-oriented and come from all walks of life. We have members who are military personnel, civilian workers, business professionals, laborers, teachers, homemakers and more. The main thing we have in common is that we are saved through faith in Christ by the grace of God. We are a tightly woven church family ranging from new members to those who can remember having to use the outhouse! Because of our history together, we have a strong volunteer base and excellent ministries in place.
Our ministries are strong and growing at Crosby Chapel. Our Sunday services include worship and praise, a children’s church ministry and an adult discussion on the message. Our teenage youth programs are led by the associate pastor and include youth groups, outings, camps, Youth Sundays, studies, mission trips and more. Every Wednesday night during the school season we host an AWANA program with which brings in hundreds of kids from throughout the community. For the adults we offer Bible studies, small group studies, women’s and men’s studies, quarterly women’s teas, 707 hiking club and a monthly brunch. We also offer FAM, which is a program for mothers of families of all ages which is a successful outreach for our church. In addition to these ministries, we also have many events and activities throughout the year such as carnivals, gatherings, camp outs, and more that reach our community and serve the needs of our congregation. Our ministry volunteers are strong, capable and have their sights set on reaching the lost as well as supporting their brothers and sisters in Christ.
We are a board-managed church with one senior pastor and one associate pastor. Our church board consists of a combination of seven men and women, in addition to the two pastors who hold non-voting positions. Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month following Communion Sunday. We have two paid full time pastoral positions, and three paid part time staff (secretary, worship leader and visual technical specialist).
Our Future
We look forward to our future growth and we are excited about the potential we have for reaching non-saved and non-churched families in our area. We believe that God has been with Crosby from the start. With our prayer and focus on His word, He will continue to be with us as our church fills to overflowing. We’d like to move forward into the future and become the church that God intends us to be while still placing value on the church we’ve always been.
Compensation and Benefits:
- Salary Range: $50,00 to $70,00 per year which includes housing and medical allowances.
- Work Schedule: Two days off per week.
- Vacation: 15 vacation days annually.
- Benefits: No formal medical, dental or retirement benefits are provided by Crosby Chapel.
How To Apply
The Process
Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
- Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the Associate Pastor at Crosby Chapel?
- Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Associate Pastor at Crosby Chapel?
- In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of Crosby Chapel?
Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online sermon to [email protected].